PERHAPI membership is regulated in accordance with Article 9 – Article 14 of the Articles of Association and Article 2 – Article 4 of the PERHAPI Bylaws. Those who can become PERHAPI members are:
Student Members
Student Members are Indonesian Citizens (WNI) who have student status at either a College/Academy/Polytechnic majoring in Mining Technology in the country or abroad, or Foreign Citizens (WNA) who have student status at a College/Academy/Polytechnic majoring in Mining Technology in the Territory of Indonesia.
Applications to become Student Members are submitted to the Board of PERHAPI. The Board of PERHAPI determines whether a prospective member is accepted or rejected. Membership is effective from the time the application is approved for acceptance by the Board.

Regular Member
Regular Members are Indonesian Citizens (WNI) who are graduates of Universities/Academies/Polytechnics in the field of Mining Technology, both from within the country and abroad, who have had work experience in the mining sector for at least 3 (three) years, or graduates from various other disciplines who have had work experience in the mining sector for at least 4 (four) years and are recommended by an Regularf Member.
Applications to become Regular Members are submitted to the Board of PERHAPI. The Board of PERHAPI determines whether a prospective member is accepted or rejected. Membership is effective from the time the application is approved for acceptance by the Board.

Honorary Member
Honorary Members are Indonesian Citizens or Foreign Citizens who have contributed to the development of the mining world in Indonesia, proposed by the General Chairperson, and approved at a Members Meeting.
Student Members
e-Money Member Card
Can attend exclusive workshops
Can attend all PERHAPI events
Can access TAMBANG magazine*
Reguler Members
e-Money Member Card
Can participate in PERHAPI LDP Certification training
Can participate in CPI (Competent Person Indonesia) Verification
Can participate in exclusive workshops
Can participate in all PERHAPI events
Can access TAMBANG magazine*
Can participate in the election of PERHAPI Vice Chairman
Time ends Membership
Membership fees are paid by members every year for a membership period of 1 (one) year. The size of the membership fee is IDR. 300,000,-
In addition to membership fees, the Association also accepts Voluntary Donations from members.

Resign in writing to the Board.

Dismissed based on the Decree of the General Chairperson of the Association for the following reasons:
1.Violating the Association's Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.
2. Not fulfilling the obligation to pay membership fees.

The membership period in the PERHAPI organization can end if the member dies